Private Well Owners Association Meeting
Wednesday – September 4 at 10:00 am
Pahrump Valley Museum
401 E. Basin Ave., Pahrump
Come to our next Private Well Owners Association meeting and learn more about well ownership in the Pahrump Valley. Admission is free and open to the public. Membership applications will also be available.
CLASS TOPIC: “More About Helene’s Hard Water Descaling Mechanism”
Be sure to visit our website and follow us on Facebook.
Hope to see you there.
Please follow us on Facebook: Private Well Owners Association
The Private Well Owners Association is a Nevada State incorporated non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, whose mission is to provide Education and Water Testing for the benefit of the well owners and the community. We also support and assist the well owners of Basin 162 in their right under the Nevada Revised Statute acknowledging that private well homeowners, both present and future, have “2 acre feet per year allocation for use,” and “they preserve their legal rights to water under their land for normal rural living and for gardening and raising livestock used to feed their families” for a genuinely “Self-sustaining Life-Style” bringing common good and general welfare to the people of the community.
We are dedicated to the education on water conservation and water quality of Basin 162 and Nye County along with education programs related to testing regularly and maintaining wells to safeguard families drinking water by supporting well owners with the necessary tools to look after their own water by assisting with well water testing.
The Private Well Owners is dedicated to advancing good groundwater stewardship by raising awareness on a variety of groundwater issues that affects everyone living within Basin 162.
What we have accomplished!
On January 18, 2019, the Private Well Owners Association filed an appeal to the County Commissioners against the Nye County Water District Governing Board that tried to enact an added $30.00 assessment on all households in Basin 162 (59,738 homes).
This assessment would have increased their annual budget by $1,792,140.00 .00 per year to drill a Deep Carbonate well within the Clark County Nevada portion of Basin 162 with a total project cost in excess $M69 (sixty nine million Dollars) with no end in sight, with a project ending completely unknown for an unknown estimated 450 acre-feet of water, which is equivalent to 326,000 gallons along with the unknown length of the assessment.
The Private Well Owners were successful with this one-of-kind appeal ending the possible assessment with a 5-0 vote from the County Commissioners.
The Private Well Owners have always supported Cloud Seeding and we presented the Nye County Commissioners in December 2020 with a 5- year proposal in conjunction with the Desert Research Institute (DRI).
We were successful in March 2022 and received $285,000.00 for a 5-year planned project targeting the Spring Mountains during winter as with past-proven projects.
For example, Spring Mt. Nye County FY20/20 a cost per acre foot, per-year of $10.60 and in FY20/21 with a cost of $11.60.
All this in comparison to the Deep Carbonate Stateline Project of a guesstimate of $11,500 per acre foot per-year.
We Can Help!
We have education programs at our meetings that will help assist you with caring for your private well. Below are the five (5) tests we do for you which is included in the annual $40.00 membership fee. Arsenic testing costs an extra $10.00 due to the cost of testing supplies.
We have designed 4 (four) brochures, stop by the Pahrump Museum and pick up some to share with friends and neighbors.
- About Us
- Cloud Seeding
- Wind, Solar and Battery Power
- Order 1293 – Mandate from the Nevada Department of Water Resources and how it affects you.
Copyright 2024 / Private Well Owners Association / All Rights Reserved