Membership Meeting Minutes

Membership Meeting Minutes

Date: – Wednesday September 4, 2024.                                 
Location: – Pahrump Valley Museum.
Call to Order: 10:00 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance- Led by Matt Burg, Chair
Attendees and Determination of Quorum – Sergeant at Arms Yes
Adoption of Agenda: – Motion, 2 nd.      Approved
Introduction of Board: – Helene Williams, Budd Watkins, Jacky Walker, Matt Burg and Joyce Barishman.
Chair’s Report: – Welcomed all the members for attending the meeting.
Approve Minutes: – From August 7 th meeting. Motion, 2 nd
Treasurer’s Report: – Back of meeting agenda. Reviewed by Helene Williams. Approved by members present.
Directors Reports: – -Helene Williams explained about Bill 270 and how it could affect well owners in the future.
Old/Unfinished Business: – N/A
New Business: – N/A
Educational Class: – Helene Williams and Budd Watkins electronic descaler system.
Members Open Forum: – Discussion
Adjournment: – Time 10:35 am– Motion, 2 nd.      Approved.                                                      
Next Members Meeting – Wednesday October 2, 2024. 
October Class – Guest Speaker Nye County Fire Chief.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Barishman
Minutes Secretary