Membership Meeting Minutes

Membership Meeting Minutes

Date: – Wednesday July 3, 2024                                  Time:  10:00 a.m.
Location: – Pahrump Valley Museum
Call to Order: 10:06 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance-  Led by Matt Burg, Chair
Attendees and Determination of Quorum – Sergeant at Arms: Yes    
Adoption of Agenda: – Motion, 2nd.    Approved
Introduction of Board
: –  Helene Williams, Budd Watkins, Jacky Walker, Matt Burg and Joyce Barishman.
Chair’s Report: –  Thanked all the members for attending the meeting.
Approve Minutes:  
Motion, 2nd.    Approved as posted on the PWOA website.
Treasurer’s Report: – Back of meeting agenda. Reviewed by Helen Williams. Approved by members present.

Directors Reports: – Jacky Walker – Pointed members to the current issue of Pahrump Life and provide information about the upcoming meetings of the Master Gardeners class on Saturday July 13 at the Pahrump Museum.
Helene Williams- Shared with the members the ED2021 Electronic Descaler and explained how it works. A drawing was held for the members to receive the ED2021 Electronic Descaler and it was awarded to one of the members. A handout was provided with information on how to contact the County Commissioner’s along with a map of the districts.
Joyce Barishman- Spoke with the group about the Space Port that is in Clark County, Medical Waste, Glove Factory, Solar Recycling Applicant, and mentioned the Stadium Sod business that want to conduct business in Pahrump with a group discussion about these projects.

Old/Unfinished Business: –Helene Williams spoke which was continued about the recent threat to our water supply by new businesses (glove factory, medical waste facility) and the importance of getting involved and letting the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) know how members feel about these types of businesses coming into the Pahrump Valley. She also urged members to attend BOCC meetings and voice opinions.
New Business: – N/A
Educational Class
: – Discussion for the group about projects in Pahrump.
Members Open Forum: –  Discussion
 Adjournment: – Time  11:12 am– Motion, 2nd.    Approved.
Next Members Meeting – Wednesday August 7, 2024.
August Class – Information to be updated on website.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Barishman
Joyce Barishman
Minutes Secretary